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blowfish class:
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "clsBlowfish"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'Long(long integer) 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Private Const MaxLong = 2147483647
Private Const MinLong = -2147483648#
Private mbIsInit As Boolean
Private Const strErrSrc = "clsBlowfish"
Private p(1 To 18) As Long
Private s(1 To 4, 0 To 255) As Long
'Types for extracting bytes from words
Private Type LongByteW
w As Long
End Type
Private Const BFErr = 3400 + vbObjectError
Private Type LongByteB
b4 As Byte
b3 As Byte
b2 As Byte
b1 As Byte
End Type
Private Function fAddBytes(b1 As Byte, b2 As Byte) As Byte
fAddBytes = CByte((CInt(b1) + CInt(b2)) Mod 256)
End Function
Private Function fAddLongs(L1 As Long, L2 As Long) As Long
Dim curRes As Currency, c1 As Currency, c2 As Currency
'This function allows you to add the longs without turning off the
'integer overflow checking. Thus it is slower, but works in the IDE
'and with any project you wish to add this code to.
c1 = L1
c2 = L2
curRes = c1 + c2
If curRes > MaxLong Then
curRes = curRes - MaxLong + MinLong - 1
End If
If curRes < MinLong Then
curRes = curRes + MaxLong - MinLong + 1
End If
fAddLongs = CLng(curRes)
End Function
Public Sub sInitBF(strKey As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x As LongByteW 'For conversion
Dim y As LongByteB ' """"
Dim intKeyLen As Integer
Dim bytKey() As Byte
Dim lngDataL As Long, lngDataR As Long
intKeyLen = Len(strKey)
ReDim bytKey(0 To intKeyLen - 1)
Call sStringToByte(strKey, bytKey)
Call sSetPSBoxLocal
j = 0
For i = 1 To 18
y.b1 = bytKey(j)
y.b2 = bytKey((j + 1) Mod intKeyLen)
y.b3 = bytKey((j + 2) Mod intKeyLen)
y.b4 = bytKey((j + 3) Mod intKeyLen)
LSet x = y
p(i) = p(i) Xor x.w
j = (j + 4) Mod intKeyLen
lngDataL = 0: lngDataR = 0
For i = 1 To 17 Step 2
Call BFEncipher(lngDataL, lngDataR)
p(i) = lngDataL
p(i + 1) = lngDataR
For i = 1 To 4
For j = 0 To 254 Step 2
Call BFEncipher(lngDataL, lngDataR)
s(i, j) = lngDataL
s(i, j + 1) = lngDataR
Next j
Next i
mbIsInit = True
End Sub
Private Function f(Word As Long) As Long
Dim x As LongByteW
Dim y As LongByteB
x.w = Word
LSet y = x
'Debug.Print S(1, Y.b1), S(2, Y.b2)
f = fAddLongs(fAddLongs(s(1, y.b1), s(2, y.b2)) Xor (s(3, y.b3)), s(4, y.b4))
End Function
Private Sub Round(xL As Long, xR As Long, intRound As Integer)
'Debug.Print F(xR), xR
xL = xL Xor (f(xR) Xor p(intRound))
End Sub
Private Sub BFEncipher(xL As Long, xR As Long)
Dim lngTemp As Long
Dim i As Integer
xL = xL Xor p(1)
'Call sFilePrintSP
For i = 2 To 16 Step 2
Call Round(xR, xL, i)
Call Round(xL, xR, i + 1)
xR = xR Xor p(18)
'Swap left and right
lngTemp = xR
xR = xL
xL = lngTemp
End Sub
Private Sub BFDecipher(xL As Long, xR As Long)
Dim lngTemp As Long
Dim i As Integer
xL = xL Xor p(18)
For i = 17 To 3 Step -2
Call Round(xR, xL, i)
Call Round(xL, xR, i - 1)
xR = xR Xor p(1)
'Swap left and right
lngTemp = xR
xR = xL
xL = lngTemp
End Sub
'Private Sub sFilePrintSP()
''For debugging only.
' Dim i As Integer
' Open "C:\Windows\Desktop\SPWin.txt" For Output As #1
' Print #1, ""
' Print #1, "PBox"
' Print #1, ""
' For i = 1 To 15 Step 6
' Print #1, p(i), p(i + 1), p(i + 2), p(i + 3), p(i + 4), p(i + 5)
' Next
' Print #1, ""
' Print #1, "SBox"
' Print #1, ""
' For i = 0 To 252 Step 4
' Print #1, s(1, i), s(1, i + 1), s(1, i + 2), s(1, i + 3)
' Next
' Close #1
'End Sub
Public Sub sEncrypt(bytToEncrypt() As Byte, bytEncrypted() As Byte)
'This Sub assumes you are passing a 64 bit divisible zero-based array of bytes to
'encode and a similarly sized array to hold the encrypted version.
'Todo: Add error checking for these conditions
Dim lngLenBStr As Long
Dim xL As LongByteB, xR As LongByteB
Dim yL As LongByteW, yR As LongByteW
Dim i As Long
Dim bytB As Byte
'Check zero based
bytB = bytToEncrypt(0)
bytB = bytEncrypted(0)
If UBound(bytToEncrypt) UBound(bytEncrypted) Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 2, strErrSrc, "Need to pass two byte arrays the same size"
Exit Sub
End If
If (UBound(bytToEncrypt) + 1) Mod 8 0 Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 3, strErrSrc, "Byte array must be sized divisible by 8."
Exit Sub
End If
If Not mbIsInit Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 1, strErrSrc, "Call sInitBF before calling this sub"
Exit Sub
End If
lngLenBStr = UBound(bytToEncrypt) + 1
For i = 0 To lngLenBStr - 8 Step 8
xL.b1 = bytToEncrypt(i)
xL.b2 = bytToEncrypt(i + 1)
xL.b3 = bytToEncrypt(i + 2)
xL.b4 = bytToEncrypt(i + 3)
xR.b1 = bytToEncrypt(i + 4)
xR.b2 = bytToEncrypt(i + 5)
xR.b3 = bytToEncrypt(i + 6)
xR.b4 = bytToEncrypt(i + 7)
LSet yR = xR
LSet yL = xL
' Debug.Print Hex(yL.w), Hex(yR.w)
Call BFEncipher(yL.w, yR.w)
' Debug.Print Hex(yL.w), Hex(yR.w)
LSet xR = yR
LSet xL = yL
bytEncrypted(i) = xL.b1
bytEncrypted(i + 1) = xL.b2
bytEncrypted(i + 2) = xL.b3
bytEncrypted(i + 3) = xL.b4
bytEncrypted(i + 4) = xR.b1
bytEncrypted(i + 5) = xR.b2
bytEncrypted(i + 6) = xR.b3
bytEncrypted(i + 7) = xR.b4
Next i
End Sub
Public Sub sDecrypt(bytToDecrypt() As Byte, bytUnencrypted() As Byte)
'This Sub assumes you are passing a 64 bit divisible zero-based array of bytes to
'encode and a similarly sized array to hold the encrypted version.
'Todo: Add error checking for these conditions
Dim lngLenStr As Long
Dim lngLenBStr As Long
Dim xL As LongByteB, xR As LongByteB
Dim yL As LongByteW, yR As LongByteW
Dim i As Long
lngLenStr = UBound(bytToDecrypt) + 1
lngLenBStr = lngLenStr
If UBound(bytToDecrypt) UBound(bytUnencrypted) Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 2, strErrSrc, "Need to pass two byte arrays the same size"
Exit Sub
End If
If (UBound(bytToDecrypt) + 1) Mod 8 0 Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 3, strErrSrc, "Byte array must be sized divisible by 8."
Exit Sub
End If
If Not mbIsInit Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 1, strErrSrc, "Call sInitBF before calling this sub"
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To lngLenBStr - 8 Step 8
xL.b1 = bytToDecrypt(i)
xL.b2 = bytToDecrypt(i + 1)
xL.b3 = bytToDecrypt(i + 2)
xL.b4 = bytToDecrypt(i + 3)
xR.b1 = bytToDecrypt(i + 4)
xR.b2 = bytToDecrypt(i + 5)
xR.b3 = bytToDecrypt(i + 6)
xR.b4 = bytToDecrypt(i + 7)
LSet yR = xR
LSet yL = xL
' Debug.Print Hex(yL.w), Hex(yR.w)
Call BFDecipher(yL.w, yR.w)
' Debug.Print Hex(yL.w), Hex(yR.w)
LSet xR = yR
LSet xL = yL
bytUnencrypted(i) = xL.b1
bytUnencrypted(i + 1) = xL.b2
bytUnencrypted(i + 2) = xL.b3
bytUnencrypted(i + 3) = xL.b4
bytUnencrypted(i + 4) = xR.b1
bytUnencrypted(i + 5) = xR.b2
bytUnencrypted(i + 6) = xR.b3
bytUnencrypted(i + 7) = xR.b4
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub sSetPSBox()
Dim strPath As String
Dim hFile As Integer
strPath = App.Path
If Right$(strPath, 1) "\" Then
strPath = strPath & "\"
End If
' Debug.Print strPath
If Len(Dir(strPath & "bf.dat")) = 0 Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 3, , "bf.dat not found"
Exit Sub
End If
hFile = FreeFile
Open strPath & "bf.dat" For Binary As hFile
Get #hFile, , p
Get #hFile, , s
Close #hFile
End Sub
Public Sub sFileEncrypt(strFileSrc As String, strFileTrg As String)
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngLenB As Long
Dim bytSource() As Byte
Dim bytTarget() As Byte
Dim sngTimer As Single
Dim hFile As Integer
If Not mbIsInit Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 1, , "Call sInitBF before calling this sub"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(Dir(strFileSrc)) = 0 Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 2, , "Source file is not found"
Exit Sub
End If
sngTimer = Timer
lngLen = FileLen(strFileSrc)
ReDim bytSource(0 To lngLen - 1)
hFile = FreeFile
Open strFileSrc For Binary As #hFile
Get #hFile, , bytSource
Close #hFile
'Need to pad the string with zeroes if not divisible by 64 bits
If lngLen Mod 8 0 Then
lngLenB = lngLen + (8 - lngLen Mod 8)
lngLenB = lngLen
End If
' Debug.Print lngLenB
ReDim Preserve bytSource(0 To lngLenB - 1)
ReDim bytTarget(0 To lngLenB - 1)
Call sEncrypt(bytSource, bytTarget)
If Len(Dir(strFileTrg)) 0 Then
Kill strFileTrg
End If
hFile = FreeFile
Open strFileTrg For Binary As #hFile
'Save the original file length so that we know how much padding to remove.
Put #hFile, , lngLen
Put #hFile, , bytTarget
Close #hFile
Debug.Print Timer - sngTimer
End Sub
Public Sub sFileDecrypt(strFileSrc As String, strFileTrg As String)
Dim lngLen As Long
Dim lngLenB As Long
Dim bytSource() As Byte
Dim bytTarget() As Byte
Dim sngTimer As Single
Dim hFile As Integer
If Not mbIsInit Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 1, , "Call sInitBF before calling this sub"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(Dir(strFileSrc)) = 0 Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 2, , "Source file is not found"
Exit Sub
End If
sngTimer = Timer
lngLenB = FileLen(strFileSrc) - 4
' Debug.Print lngLenB
ReDim bytSource(0 To lngLenB - 1)
ReDim bytTarget(0 To lngLenB - 1)
hFile = FreeFile
Open strFileSrc For Binary As #hFile
Get #hFile, , lngLen
Get #hFile, , bytSource
Close #hFile
Call sDecrypt(bytSource, bytTarget)
ReDim Preserve bytTarget(0 To lngLen - 1)
If Len(Dir(strFileTrg)) 0 Then
Kill strFileTrg
End If
hFile = FreeFile
Open strFileTrg For Binary As #hFile
Put #hFile, , bytTarget
Close #hFile
Debug.Print Timer - sngTimer
End Sub
Private Sub sStringToByte(strS As String, bytB() As Byte)
bytB = StrConv(strS, vbFromUnicode)
End Sub
Public Sub sStringEncrypt(strToEncrypt As String, strEncrypted As String)
Dim bytToEncrypt() As Byte
Dim bytEncrypted() As Byte
Dim lngLenStr As Long
Dim lngLenBStr As Long
lngLenStr = Len(strToEncrypt)
'Need to pad the string with zeroes if not divisible by 64 bits
If lngLenStr Mod 8 0 Then
lngLenBStr = lngLenStr + (8 - lngLenStr Mod 8)
lngLenBStr = lngLenStr
End If
' ReDim bytToEncrypt(0 To lngLenBStr - 1)
Call sStringToByte(strToEncrypt, bytToEncrypt)
ReDim Preserve bytToEncrypt(0 To lngLenBStr - 1)
ReDim bytEncrypted(0 To lngLenBStr - 1)
Call sEncrypt(bytToEncrypt, bytEncrypted)
strEncrypted = StrConv(bytEncrypted, vbUnicode)
End Sub
Public Sub sStringDecrypt(strToDecrypt As String, strUnencrypted As String)
Dim bytToDecrypt() As Byte
Dim bytDecrypted() As Byte
Dim lngLenStr As Long
Dim i As Long
lngLenStr = Len(strToDecrypt)
'Should be divisible by 8
'Error checking on 64 bit boundary
If lngLenStr Mod 8 0 Then
Err.Raise BFErr + 3, , "String to decrypt should be sized divisible by 8."
Exit Sub
End If
Call sStringToByte(strToDecrypt, bytToDecrypt)
ReDim bytDecrypted(0 To UBound(bytToDecrypt))
Call sDecrypt(bytToDecrypt, bytDecrypted)
strUnencrypted = StrConv(bytDecrypted, vbUnicode)
i = InStr(1, strUnencrypted, Chr(0))
If i > 1 Then
strUnencrypted = Left$(strUnencrypted, i - 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub sSetPSBoxLocal()
'These are the standard P and S buffer initialization vectors,
'based on the hex digits of pi. You could also use random data,
'as long as you use the same random sequence every time.
'However, these will work with the test vectors
p(1) = 608135816
p(2) = -2052912941
p(3) = 320440878
p(4) = 57701188
p(5) = -1542899678
p(6) = 698298832
p(7) = 137296536
p(8) = -330404727
p(9) = 1160258022
p(10) = 953160567
p(11) = -1101764913
p(12) = 887688300
p(13) = -1062458953
p(14) = -914599715
p(15) = 1065670069
p(16) = -1253635817
p(17) = -1843997223
p(18) = -1988494565
s(1, 0) = -785314906
s(1, 1) = -1730169428
s(1, 2) = 805139163
s(1, 3) = -803545161
s(1, 4) = -1193168915
s(1, 5) = 1780907670
s(1, 6) = -1166241723
s(1, 7) = -248741991
s(1, 8) = 614570311
s(1, 9) = -1282315017
s(1, 10) = 134345442
s(1, 11) = -2054226922
s(1, 12) = 1667834072
s(1, 13) = 1901547113
s(1, 14) = -1537671517
s(1, 15) = -191677058
s(1, 16) = 227898511
s(1, 17) = 1921955416
s(1, 18) = 1904987480
s(1, 19) = -2112533778
s(1, 20) = 2069144605
s(1, 21) = -1034266187
s(1, 22) = -1674521287
s(1, 23) = 720527379
s(1, 24) = -976113629
s(1, 25) = 677414384
s(1, 26) = -901678824
s(1, 27) = -1193592593
s(1, 28) = -1904616272
s(1, 29) = 1614419982
s(1, 30) = 1822297739
s(1, 31) = -1340175810
s(1, 32) = -686458943
s(1, 33) = -1120842969
s(1, 34) = 2024746970
s(1, 35) = 1432378464
s(1, 36) = -430627341
s(1, 37) = -1437226092
s(1, 38) = 1464375394
s(1, 39) = 1676153920
s(1, 40) = 1439316330
s(1, 41) = 715854006
s(1, 42) = -1261675468
s(1, 43) = 289532110
s(1, 44) = -1588296017
s(1, 45) = 2087905683
s(1, 46) = -1276242927
s(1, 47) = 1668267050
s(1, 48) = 732546397
s(1, 49) = 1947742710
s(1, 50) = -832815594
s(1, 51) = -1685613794
s(1, 52) = -1344882125
s(1, 53) = 1814351708
s(1, 54) = 2050118529
s(1, 55) = 680887927
s(1, 56) = 999245976
s(1, 57) = 1800124847
s(1, 58) = -994056165
s(1, 59) = 1713906067
s(1, 60) = 1641548236
s(1, 61) = -81679983
s(1, 62) = 1216130144
s(1, 63) = 1575780402
s(1, 64) = -276538019
s(1, 65) = -377129551
s(1, 66) = -601480446
s(1, 67) = -345695352
s(1, 68) = 596196993
s(1, 69) = -745100091
s(1, 70) = 258830323
s(1, 71) = -2081144263
s(1, 72) = 772490370
s(1, 73) = -1534844924
s(1, 74) = 1774776394
s(1, 75) = -1642095778
s(1, 76) = 566650946
s(1, 77) = -152474470
s(1, 78) = 1728879713
s(1, 79) = -1412200208
s(1, 80) = 1783734482
s(1, 81) = -665571480
s(1, 82) = -1777359064
s(1, 83) = -1420741725
s(1, 84) = 1861159788
s(1, 85) = 326777828
s(1, 86) = -1170476976
s(1, 87) = 2130389656
s(1, 88) = -1578015459
s(1, 89) = 967770486
s(1, 90) = 1724537150
s(1, 91) = -2109534584
s(1, 92) = -1930525159
s(1, 93) = 1164943284
s(1, 94) = 2105845187
s(1, 95) = 998989502
s(1, 96) = -529566248
s(1, 97) = -2050940813
s(1, 98) = 1075463327
s(1, 99) = 1455516326
s(1, 100) = 1322494562
s(1, 101) = 910128902
s(1, 102) = 469688178
s(1, 103) = 1117454909
s(1, 104) = 936433444
s(1, 105) = -804646328
s(1, 106) = -619713837
s(1, 107) = 1240580251
s(1, 108) = 122909385
s(1, 109) = -2137449605
s(1, 110) = 634681816
s(1, 111) = -152510729
s(1, 112) = -469872614
s(1, 113) = -1233564613
s(1, 114) = -1754472259
s(1, 115) = 79693498
s(1, 116) = -1045868618
s(1, 117) = 1084186820
s(1, 118) = 1583128258
s(1, 119) = 426386531
s(1, 120) = 1761308591
s(1, 121) = 1047286709
s(1, 122) = 322548459
s(1, 123) = 995290223
s(1, 124) = 1845252383
s(1, 125) = -1691314900
s(1, 126) = -863943356
s(1, 127) = -1352745719
s(1, 128) = -1092366332
s(1, 129) = -567063811
s(1, 130) = 1712269319
s(1, 131) = 422464435
s(1, 132) = -1060394921
s(1, 133) = 1170764815
s(1, 134) = -771006663
s(1, 135) = -1177289765
s(1, 136) = 1434042557
s(1, 137) = 442511882
s(1, 138) = -694091578
s(1, 139) = 1076654713
s(1, 140) = 1738483198
s(1, 141) = -81812532
s(1, 142) = -1901729288
s(1, 143) = -617471240
s(1, 144) = 1014306527
s(1, 145) = -43947243
s(1, 146) = 793779912
s(1, 147) = -1392160085
s(1, 148) = 842905082
s(1, 149) = -48003232
s(1, 150) = 1395751752
s(1, 151) = 1040244610
s(1, 152) = -1638115397
s(1, 153) = -898659168
s(1, 154) = 445077038
s(1, 155) = -552113701
s(1, 156) = -717051658
s(1, 157) = 679411651
s(1, 158) = -1402522938
s(1, 159) = -1940957837
s(1, 160) = 1767581616
s(1, 161) = -1144366904
s(1, 162) = -503340195
s(1, 163) = -1192226400
s(1, 164) = 284835224
s(1, 165) = -48135240
s(1, 166) = 1258075500
s(1, 167) = 768725851
s(1, 168) = -1705778055
s(1, 169) = -1225243291
s(1, 170) = -762426948
s(1, 171) = 1274779536
s(1, 172) = -505548070
s(1, 173) = -1530167757
s(1, 174) = 1660621633
s(1, 175) = -823867672
s(1, 176) = -283063590
s(1, 177) = 913787905
s(1, 178) = -797008130
s(1, 179) = 737222580
s(1, 180) = -1780753843
s(1, 181) = -1366257256
s(1, 182) = -357724559
s(1, 183) = 1804850592
s(1, 184) = -795946544
s(1, 185) = -1345903136
s(1, 186) = -1908647121
s(1, 187) = -1904896841
s(1, 188) = -1879645445
s(1, 189) = -233690268
s(1, 190) = -2004305902
s(1, 191) = -1878134756
s(1, 192) = 1336762016
s(1, 193) = 1754252060
s(1, 194) = -774901359
s(1, 195) = -1280786003
s(1, 196) = 791618072
s(1, 197) = -1106372745
s(1, 198) = -361419266
s(1, 199) = -1962795103
s(1, 200) = -442446833
s(1, 201) = -1250986776
s(1, 202) = 413987798
s(1, 203) = -829824359
s(1, 204) = -1264037920
s(1, 205) = -49028937
s(1, 206) = 2093235073
s(1, 207) = -760370983
s(1, 208) = 375366246
s(1, 209) = -2137688315
s(1, 210) = -1815317740
s(1, 211) = 555357303
s(1, 212) = -424861595
s(1, 213) = 2008414854
s(1, 214) = -950779147
s(1, 215) = -73583153
s(1, 216) = -338841844
s(1, 217) = 2067696032
s(1, 218) = -700376109
s(1, 219) = -1373733303
s(1, 220) = 2428461
s(1, 221) = 544322398
s(1, 222) = 577241275
s(1, 223) = 1471733935
s(1, 224) = 610547355
s(1, 225) = -267798242
s(1, 226) = 1432588573
s(1, 227) = 1507829418
s(1, 228) = 2025931657
s(1, 229) = -648391809
s(1, 230) = 545086370
s(1, 231) = 48609733
s(1, 232) = -2094660746
s(1, 233) = 1653985193
s(1, 234) = 298326376
s(1, 235) = 1316178497
s(1, 236) = -1287180854
s(1, 237) = 2064951626
s(1, 238) = 458293330
s(1, 239) = -1705826027
s(1, 240) = -703637697
s(1, 241) = -1130641692
s(1, 242) = 727753846
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s(4, 74) = -141160892
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s(4, 89) = -1319764491
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s(4, 91) = -1967506245
s(4, 92) = 676427537
s(4, 93) = -1039476232
s(4, 94) = -1412673177
s(4, 95) = -861040033
s(4, 96) = 1307055953
s(4, 97) = 942726286
s(4, 98) = 933058658
s(4, 99) = -1826555503
s(4, 100) = -361066302
s(4, 101) = -79791154
s(4, 102) = 1361170020
s(4, 103) = 2001714738
s(4, 104) = -1464409218
s(4, 105) = -1020707514
s(4, 106) = 1222529897
s(4, 107) = 1679025792
s(4, 108) = -1565652976
s(4, 109) = -580013532
s(4, 110) = 1770335741
s(4, 111) = 151462246
s(4, 112) = -1281735158
s(4, 113) = 1682292957
s(4, 114) = 1483529935
s(4, 115) = 471910574
s(4, 116) = 1539241949
s(4, 117) = 458788160
s(4, 118) = -858652289
s(4, 119) = 1807016891
s(4, 120) = -576558466
s(4, 121) = 978976581
s(4, 122) = 1043663428
s(4, 123) = -1129001515
s(4, 124) = 1927990952
s(4, 125) = -94075717
s(4, 126) = -1922690386
s(4, 127) = -1086558393
s(4, 128) = -761535389
s(4, 129) = 1412390302
s(4, 130) = -1362987237
s(4, 131) = -162634896
s(4, 132) = 1947078029
s(4, 133) = -413461673
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s(4, 135) = -1353482915
s(4, 136) = 1077988104
s(4, 137) = 1320477388
s(4, 138) = 886195818
s(4, 139) = 18198404
s(4, 140) = -508558296
s(4, 141) = -1785185763
s(4, 142) = 112762804
s(4, 143) = -831610808
s(4, 144) = 1866414978
s(4, 145) = 891333506
s(4, 146) = 18488651
s(4, 147) = 661792760
s(4, 148) = 1628790961
s(4, 149) = -409780260
s(4, 150) = -1153795797
s(4, 151) = 876946877
s(4, 152) = -1601685023
s(4, 153) = 1372485963
s(4, 154) = 791857591
s(4, 155) = -1608533303
s(4, 156) = -534984578
s(4, 157) = -1127755274
s(4, 158) = -822013501
s(4, 159) = -1578587449
s(4, 160) = 445679433
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s(4, 162) = -790962485
s(4, 163) = -720709064
s(4, 164) = 54117162
s(4, 165) = -963561881
s(4, 166) = -1913048708
s(4, 167) = -525259953
s(4, 168) = -140617289
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s(4, 170) = -220915201
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s(4, 172) = -1080614356
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s(4, 174) = 261225585
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s(4, 176) = -85617823
s(4, 177) = -826893077
s(4, 178) = -1029151655
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s(4, 180) = -1228863650
s(4, 181) = -486184436
s(4, 182) = 282218597
s(4, 183) = -888953790
s(4, 184) = -521376242
s(4, 185) = 379116347
s(4, 186) = 1285071038
s(4, 187) = 846784868
s(4, 188) = -1625320142
s(4, 189) = -523005217
s(4, 190) = -744475605
s(4, 191) = -1989021154
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s(4, 195) = -1015663912
s(4, 196) = -550133875
s(4, 197) = -1684459730
s(4, 198) = -435458233
s(4, 199) = 266596637
s(4, 200) = -447948204
s(4, 201) = 517658769
s(4, 202) = -832407089
s(4, 203) = -851542417
s(4, 204) = 370717030
s(4, 205) = -47440635
s(4, 206) = -2070949179
s(4, 207) = -151313767
s(4, 208) = -182193321
s(4, 209) = -1506642397
s(4, 210) = -1817692879
s(4, 211) = 1456262402
s(4, 212) = -1393524382
s(4, 213) = 1517677493
s(4, 214) = 1846949527
s(4, 215) = -1999473716
s(4, 216) = -560569710
s(4, 217) = -2118563376
s(4, 218) = 1280348187
s(4, 219) = 1908823572
s(4, 220) = -423180355
s(4, 221) = 846861322
s(4, 222) = 1172426758
s(4, 223) = -1007518822
s(4, 224) = -911584259
s(4, 225) = 1655181056
s(4, 226) = -1155153950
s(4, 227) = 901632758
s(4, 228) = 1897031941
s(4, 229) = -1308360158
s(4, 230) = -1228157060
s(4, 231) = -847864789
s(4, 232) = 1393639104
s(4, 233) = 373351379
s(4, 234) = 950779232
s(4, 235) = 625454576
s(4, 236) = -1170726756
s(4, 237) = -146354570
s(4, 238) = 2007998917
s(4, 239) = 544563296
s(4, 240) = -2050228658
s(4, 241) = -1964470824
s(4, 242) = 2058025392
s(4, 243) = 1291430526
s(4, 244) = 424198748
s(4, 245) = 50039436
s(4, 246) = 29584100
s(4, 247) = -689184263
s(4, 248) = -1865090967
s(4, 249) = -1503863136
s(4, 250) = 1057563949
s(4, 251) = -1039604065
s(4, 252) = -1219600078
s(4, 253) = -831004069
s(4, 254) = 1469046755
s(4, 255) = 985887462
End Sub
Public Function fStringToHexCode(strText As String) As String
Dim b() As Byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim strRet As String
b = strText
strRet = Space((UBound(b) + 1) * 2)
For i = 0 To UBound(b)
Mid$(strRet, (i * 2) + 1, 2) = IIf(b(i) < 16, "0", "") & Hex(b(i))
fStringToHexCode = strRet
End Function
Public Function fHexCodeToString(strHex As String) As String
Dim b() As Byte
Dim i As Integer
ReDim b((Len(strHex) / 2) - 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(b)
b(i) = CByte("&H" & Mid$(strHex, (i * 2) + 1, 2))
fHexCodeToString = b
End Function